Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mexico Mission #1

Itinerary/ Activity log
      Yesterday we flew into El Paso. Our flight left at about 11am and we had three layovers, but we couldn't leave the plane at any of the stops. This meant that we couldn't eat anything but the complimentary peanuts and pretzels (which I had my full share of) until we made it to El Paso at about 4pm local time which was 6pm according to our bodies and especially our stomachs. Blake left a note for our trip leader, which I think was more of a threat, that the first order of business when we got off the plane was to find something to eat. We finally stopped at a delicious BBQ place that had awesome brisket. It was however grievous to my soul that I didn't have time to finish my meal and I had to throw some away :(. We traveled in a fifteen passenger van from El Paso to Chihuahua. We discovered that you can in fact fit fifteen people in a fifteen passenger van. Bill, Rich, Zach and I shared the very back seat, and I lost track of where I ended and Zach began. We where so smashed together for the 5hr plus ride that I think we formed a symbiotic relationship. Along the way we stopped at a roadside quesadilla stand, which were delicious. At the stopped Caleb dared me to drink the queso dip, which I had to oblige.

Spiritual Highlights
   On our first leg of our flight I sat next to a man named Antonio. He was a Christian and he shared his testimony with me. He came from a pentecostal background and it is interesting because I have been reading a book called "Forgotten God" which is about the Holy Spirit. Antonio shared with me the story of his conversion, and the miraculous way that God caused him to stop smoking and drinking. I normally would have been skeptical, but I realized that God can and does work in miraculous ways and maybe I don't see it happen because I stifle the Holy Spirit and assume He doesn't work that way anymore. I hope to see the Spirit work in great ways this week.


  1. Awesome thoughts, Shawn :) Hysterical too :)

  2. oh Shawn - only you would keep us updated with everything you ate. Sorry you had to wait so long for something to eat...
    Antonio sounds pretty awesome!
