Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mexico mission 2011 #2

Itinerary/ activity log
      We were able to sleep in a little today, since we didn't need to leave the ministry house until about 10:00. Since we had a little extra time some of us were able to spend some time in prayer together, which was a refreshing and uplifting experience.
      The church service we attended was a wonderful experience. There was about 150 people there including our group. That is a huge growth from two years ago when there were about 40. It is a bilingual service which was awesome to here the songs and the message in a different language (even though I couldn't understand it.). The message was on Genesis chapter 2.
     The next part of the day, and most rewarding was when we got to meet the children we sponsor and spend the rest of the day with them. I was actually very nervous and  apprehensive about this. It sounds silly but I was afraid that it would end up being a very awkward experience. After all I wouldn't be able to communicate with them without a translator. Plus we sponsor two girls, and since I grew up with four brothers I am little more comfortable and used to interacting with boys. It turns out that I did just fine. I'm pretty sure that I didn't offend them horribly, and even though verbal communication was limited we were able to bond in other ways and we had an awesome time together.  
      The first thing we did with the kids was take them to a overlook where you could see over the city of Chihuahua and we gathered in a circle to pray over the city. After that we went to the center of the City where  there was a cathedral and a fountain where we could walk around for awhile. Then we headed over to an awesome park that had all kinds of things to do for the kids, including a 40ft slide. Thank God no one got hurt, but we had an awesome time.

Spiritual Highlights
        Seeing the believers in Mexico gather and being able to praise God together with them was a great experience. It helps to remind me that God is at work all over the world and not just in my little world. Pastor Sean's preaching was on Genesis chapter 2, and he was talking about how God created women to rescue men from ourselves it reminded me how blessed I am that He has provided me with such a great wife. She encourages me and pushes me in ways that no one else can do.
        When we where on our way to meet the children I was very nervous. I knew that it wouldn't be easy for me to communicate with Cynthia and Reina since I don't speak their language. I prayed and asked for wisdom to know how to interact and that we would be able to form a bond despite the language barrier. When I first met the girls I thought my fears were correct. They didn't run up to me and hug me like some of the other children did with there sponsors. They answered my questions with simple yes or no answers. But, I again prayed for guidance then I remembered how much the children liked to take and look at pictures, so I got out my camera and started taking pictures with them. That was the first time I saw them smile. It didn't take long after that they were holding my hand and hugging me. How great our God is that we can show and receive love without saying it.

Snapshot of the day
      Right after I met Cynthia and Reina we had to get back on the bus to go to our next location. The Girls got on the bus first, and Cynthia had seen the backpack that I had been wearing so she was able to find it and she sat there waiting for me to come sit with her.

Mexico Mission #1

Itinerary/ Activity log
      Yesterday we flew into El Paso. Our flight left at about 11am and we had three layovers, but we couldn't leave the plane at any of the stops. This meant that we couldn't eat anything but the complimentary peanuts and pretzels (which I had my full share of) until we made it to El Paso at about 4pm local time which was 6pm according to our bodies and especially our stomachs. Blake left a note for our trip leader, which I think was more of a threat, that the first order of business when we got off the plane was to find something to eat. We finally stopped at a delicious BBQ place that had awesome brisket. It was however grievous to my soul that I didn't have time to finish my meal and I had to throw some away :(. We traveled in a fifteen passenger van from El Paso to Chihuahua. We discovered that you can in fact fit fifteen people in a fifteen passenger van. Bill, Rich, Zach and I shared the very back seat, and I lost track of where I ended and Zach began. We where so smashed together for the 5hr plus ride that I think we formed a symbiotic relationship. Along the way we stopped at a roadside quesadilla stand, which were delicious. At the stopped Caleb dared me to drink the queso dip, which I had to oblige.

Spiritual Highlights
   On our first leg of our flight I sat next to a man named Antonio. He was a Christian and he shared his testimony with me. He came from a pentecostal background and it is interesting because I have been reading a book called "Forgotten God" which is about the Holy Spirit. Antonio shared with me the story of his conversion, and the miraculous way that God caused him to stop smoking and drinking. I normally would have been skeptical, but I realized that God can and does work in miraculous ways and maybe I don't see it happen because I stifle the Holy Spirit and assume He doesn't work that way anymore. I hope to see the Spirit work in great ways this week.